Calculate and Prepare at a time 50 employees Tax Calculation Sheet for the Financial Year 2015-16 and Ass Year 2016-17

The Finance Budget 2015 has already passed and the Tax Slab has not changed as previous financial year. But some changes have made in this Finance Budget like as Raised the Conveyance Allowance up to Rs. 1600/- P.M. and Phy.Disable/ Blind employees can get the benefits up to Rs. 3200/- P.M.
The Section 80U limit raised up to Rs. 75,000/- for 40% to 80% and above 80% Rs. 1,25,000/- and the Section 80CCC has also raised up to Rs. 1.50.000/- as previous year was Rs. 1 Lakh. Also One new deduction U/s 80C has incorporate " Sukanya Samriddhi Account" which can be get relief up to Rs. 1.5 Lakh for minor girl child below 10 Years.

Below given an Excel Based Software which can Calculate and Prepare the Tax Compute Sheet as per the New Finance Budget 2015.

  • This Excel Utility can prepare at a time 50 employees Tax Compute Sheet with Tax Deposited Month Wise or Annually 
  • This Excel Utility have all the effect of Budget 2015
  • This Excel Utility can preserve for future
  • This Utility can easily install in any Computer and easy to generate
  • You can get extra benefits by one sheet which can calculate Tax Deduction and Deposited,this sheet may help to submit the synopsis of Tax Deposit to the NSDL monthly or Quarterly or Annually.
  • This can use as Advance Tax Calculator with Tax Compute Sheet of each employees 

Click here to Download the Excel Utility  Master of Tax Calculator with Tax Compute Sheet [ This Utility can prepare at a time 50 employees Tax Compute Sheet + Tax Deposit sheet for FY 2015-16]