Download All in One Income Tax Preparation Excel Based Software for Govt & Non-Govt Employees for Financial Year 2015-16 [ This Excel Utility can prepare at a time Income Tax Compute Sheet + Individual Salary Structure + Individual Salary Sheet+ Automatic HRA Exemption Calculation + Automatic Arrears Relief Calculator with Form 10E + Automatic Form 16 Part A&B and Par-B for Financial Year 2015-16 with all amended the tax limit as per Finance Budget 2015-16]
Salary Structure for Govt & Non Govt Employees |
All salaried are very much familiar with HRA and how to get the benefit of the rent they pay. However, what about those who not get HRA in their salary or for self employed? Will they still get rent benefit? The answer to both the questions is Section 80GG of Income Tax.
So as I said above this section only applies to those who have not availed
HRA in their salary or not claiming the deduction on their rent in any of the
other sections of income tax. Below are a few conditions to avail the
deduction under this section.
- This section is only applicable to Individual or HUF.
- Tax Payer may be either salaried or a self-employed. However, must not be getting HRA.
- Tax Payer himself or spouse/Minor Child/HUF of which he is a member should not own any accommodation at a place where he is doing a job or business.
- If Tax Payer owns house at a place other than the place noted above, then the concession in respect of self occupied property is not claimed by him [Under Section 23 (2) (a) or 23 (4) (a)].
- Tax Payer has to file a declaration in Form No.10BA regarding the expenditure incurred by him towards the payment of rent.
If the above five conditions are satisfied, the amount deductible under Section 80GG is LEAST OF THE FOLLOWING.
- Rs.2, 000 per month;
- 25% of total income of taxpayer for the year; or
- Rent Paid less 10% of total income (Rent Paid-10% of Total Income).
We can calculate it as below.
Total Income=Gross Total Income-LTCG-STCG-Income referred under the Sec.115A-Amount deductible under Sec.80C to 80U (except Section 80GG).
Let us try with one example-
Mr. X’s total income (calculated as per above formula) is Rs.4, 00,000. He pays an annual rent of Rs.1, 50,000. Then least of the below will be applicable for deduction under Sec. 80GG.
- Rs.24, 000 per year.
- Rent Paid-10% of Total Income=Rs. 1,50,000-Rs.40,000=Rs.1,10,000.
- 25% of Total Income i.e Rs.1, 00,000.