Calculation and Taxability of House Rent Allowance, Exemption of H.R.A. from Income Tax U/s 10(13A) with Automatic H.R.A. Exemption Calculator

Calculation and Taxability of House Rent Allowance (HRA). Today  we are Providing a Premium guide on Calculation and Taxability of House Rent Allowance (HRA). Now you can Find  Best Notes For Calculation of House Rent Allowance. House Rent Allowance [Section 10(13A) & Rule 2A] Calculation and Tax Liability. How To Compute House Rent Allowance. We are Providing Full Computation for Calculation of House Rent Allowance for 2014-15. Now You can Scroll Down Below And See Full guide on Calculation and Taxability of House Rent Allowance (HRA), House Rent Allowance ( HRA) Calculate in India, New House Rent allowance Exemption Rule, How Much House Rent Allowance is Exempt, House Rent Allowance Exemption Calculator, House Rent Allowance ( HRA) Rules and Tax Exemption, House Rent Allowance Act, House Rent Allowance Meaning, House Rent Allowance for central Government Employees. Now you can scroll down below and check complete details regarding “Calculation and Taxability of House Rent Allowance (HRA)”

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House Rent Allowances is given by the employer to the employee to meet the expenses in connection with Rent of the accommodation which the employee might have to take. House Rent Allowance is taxable under the head salary to the extent it is not exempt under section 10(13A) of the Act.

Exemption of H.R.A.

House rent allowance is exempt under section 10(13A) read with rule 2A, to the extent of the minimum of The following three amounts:

(a) Actual HRA received by the employee in respect of the “Relevant Period”

(b) Excess of rent paid for the accommodation occupied by him over 10% of the salary for the “Relevant Period” (Rent Paid -10% Salary)

(c) 50% of salary where the accommodation is situated at Mumbai, Calcutta, Delhi or Chennai and 40% Of salary where the house is situated at any other place for the “Relevant Period”

The minimum of the above three amounts shall be exempt from tax and the balance shall be taxable and thus included in the gross salary of the employee.

Important Note

Condition: Under Sec 10(13A) an employee who is in receipt of House Rent Allowance can claim exemption, if he does not live in his own house, and pays rent in excess of 10% of his salary for his residential accommodation.

No entitlement of exemption: In the following cases, exemption of HRA is not available to employee:-
(a) When an employee stays in his own house.

(b) When an employee does not pay any rent or incur any expenditure towards rent.

(c) When the rent paid is less than 10% of salary.

Relevant Period: Relevant period means the period during which the said accommodation was occupied by the Employee during the previous year.

Meaning of Salary: Total
1.                              Basic Salary
2.                              Dearness Allowance (if forming part of retirement benefits)
3.                              % based commission on turnover.
Factors affecting exemption: Exemption of HRA depends on  the following factors:
(a) Salary of the employee 

(b) HRA Received (c) Rent Paid (d) Place of Residence
Where these four factors continue to be same throughout the year, the exemption u/s 10(13A) should be calculated

On “Annual basis”. However, if there is any change in respect of any of the above factors then calculation should be done in “Monthly basis”

Example of H.R.A. Calculation :-

If any allowance is given for House rent than it is called H.R.A.
Exemption of H.R.A. Under Section 10(13A) & Rule 2A:- If Employee receive H.R.A. than it will be taxable under section 10(13A) & Rule 2A as under-
Actual H.R.A. received
Rent Paid – 10% of Salary
40% and 50% of Salary

Which ever is less
Note-1  40% and 50% depends on Rental place not on place of service
Note-2  50% of salary where the accommodation is situated at Mumbai, Calcutta, Delhi or  Chennai and 40% Of salary where the house is situated at any other place.