Who have not get House Rent Allowances,they can also get HRA benefits U/s 80GG with Automatic All in One TDS on Salary For FY 2013-14

Under Section 80GG :- The Finance Budget 2016 has increased the limit of deduction u/s 80GG up to Rs. 5000/- P.M. or 60,000/- P.A.

Do you pay rent but don’t get a house rent allowance (HRA)? Don’t think you can not get any income tax benefit. You can qualify to save tax under section 80GG of the Income Tax (IT) Act if you satisfy certain conditions

Click here to Download Automated All in One TDS on Salary with Section 80GG for  Non-Govt Employees Income Tax preparation Excel Based Software for Financial Year 2016-17 & A.Y. 2017-18 [ This Excel Utility can prepare at a time Tax Compute Sheet + Individual Salary Structure + Automated Form 12 BA + Automatic H.R.A. Calculation + Automated Form 16 Part A&B and Form 16 Part B for F.Y.2016-17]

Click here to Download Form 10BA

But what if you are not salaried? What if you are a businessman paying rent? Or, what if you are salaried but do not get any HRA? Can you get any income tax benefit?
Yes, you can. You can claim deduction of the rent paid if you satisfy certain conditions.
Who can claim deduction?

Any individual can claim the deduction u/s 80GG. Irrespective of whether you are a salaried individual, or a business person, you can claim deduction under Sec 80GG.
Of course, you need to be paying rent, and for your own accommodation.

Thus, if you are paying rent for a house where your parents live, you can not claim deduction u/s 80GG. Similarly, if you are staying in a house but your spouse is paying the rent, you can not claim any deduction.

You can claim deduction for either furnished or unfurnished accommodation
Maximum Amount of deduction under section 80GG is Rs.60 thousand P.A.
So, how much can you claim as deductible u/s 80GG?
The amount allowed as deduction is the minimum of the following:
1.Rent / lease amount paid less 10% of your total income
2.Rs. 5,000 per month
3.25% of your total income

For Claim this Tax Exemption you must fill the Form No 10BA