Understanding Section 80D of Income Tax Act 1961, With Automated Income Tax Form 16 Part A and B and Part B for F.Y.2016-17

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What is Section 80D?

Section 80D allows for the deduction for money spent on maintaining your health and health insurance and assumes great significance in your tax planning and personal finance.

What deductions are allowed u/s 80D?       

1.  Money spent as Premium for Health Insurance Policy   2.  Money Spent on Healthcare of family members including parents

Money spent on maintaining a health insurance policy can be claimed under section 80D. The amount is limited by the age of the insured under the plan. These restrictions apply to people (insured under the policy) aged below 80 years:
   Deduction Amt. (`)
Age Below 60 yrs.
Age Above 60 yrs.
                    Self, Spouse and Children
                     Max Deduction
                Opt: Preventive Healthcare*

In the case of people over 80 years of age, health insurance is usually not available. Thus, the deduction of upto `30,000 is allowed even if money is spent on their treatment rather than on health insurance premium.
Therefore, a maximum exemption that you can claim under this section is up to `55,000, assuming:        
  1.   Your family falls in ‘below-60 age group’ (max deduction of Rs.25,000),    
  2. Your parents are aged above 60 years (max deduction of Rs.30,000) and
*Preventive Healthcare Expenses: If your total insurance premium paid is less than the maximum allowed limits for any of the categories, then up to `5000 can be claimed for a preventive health check of your family in the financial year, within the said limits.