Download Automatic House Rent Exemption Calculator
Under Section 80GG, an Individual can claim the deduction for the rent paid even if he does not get House Rent Allowances. Not many people are aware of this deduction.
Section 80GG allows the Individuals to a deduction in respect of house rent paid by him for his own residence.
Such deduction is permissible subject to the following conditions:-
Such deduction is permissible subject to the following conditions:-
- The Individual has not been in receipt of any House Rent Allowance from his employer specifically granted to him which qualifies for exemption under section 10(13A) of the Act;
- The Individual files the declaration in Form No. 10BA. Download Excel Based Form 10 BA
- The employee does not own:

- A) any residential accommodation himself or by his spouse or minor child or where such Individual is a member of a Hindu Undivided Family, by such family, at the place where he ordinarily resides or performs duties of his office or carries on his business or profession; or
B ) at any other place, any residential accommodation being accommodation in the occupation of the Individual, the value of which is to be determined under Section 23(2)(a) or Section 23(4)(a) as the case may be.
- He will be entitled to a deduction in respect of house rent paid by him in excess of 10% of his total income, subject to a ceiling of 25% thereof or Rs. 2,000/- per month, whichever is less. The total income for working out these percentages will be computed before making any deduction under section 80GG. In other words, eligibility will be the least amount of the following:-
- Rent paid minus 10 percent the adjusted total income.
- Rs 2,000 per month.
- 25 percent of the adjusted total income.
- The deduction will also not be available to an assessee if any residential accommodation is owned by the assessee at any other place, which he is occupying, and the concessions in respect of self-occupied house are claimed by him for that property. In such a case, no deduction will be allowed in respect of the rent paid, even if the person does not own any residential accommodation at the place where he ordinarily resides.