How To Link Aadhaar Card To Your Bank Account Online?, With Automated Form 16 Part B for F.Y.2015-16 and A.Y.2016-17

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Aadhaar is gaining popularity as most of banks, financial institutions reduce the KYC process if an individual is having a Aadhaar number.

Else the person has to go through tedious process to complete KYC for doing a new transaction or opening a new account. Recently, the Aadhar Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha and once it becomes a law, it would be mandatory to have the same.

Only having Aadhaar card will not help unless it is linked to your bank account.

Once you link your Aadhaar card, one can enjoy benefits of transferring your LPG connection, easy mobile portability and pension which will directly get credited to your savings account.

There are two ways online and offline method through which you can link your Aadhaar to your bank account.

Steps to Aadhaar card to your bank account online

1. To link online, individual must registered with banks net banking.
2. Login to your net banking
3. There will be option of linking Aadhaar number. Say for HDFC Bank, one can update Aadhaar number " update contact details"
4. For other banks one can look for "Aadhar Bank Account Seeding" or Aadhaar Seeding"
5. Enter the Aadhaar details correctly.
6. Hit submit button.
7. Bank will verify the information the details of your Aadhaar.
8. The same will be notified to your registered mobile and mail ID. Click to read on how to know whether Aadhaar number is linked to bank account or not?

How to link your Aadhaar card to your bank account Offline?
1)Download Aadhar form or get it from the branch
2)Fill in the correct details Carry photo copy of your Aadhar card
3)Carry photo copy of your pan card
4)Passbook photo copy
5)Submit all documents at your bank

As per RBI guidelines, Aadhaar is now set to become the single document for opening a bank account in India.